Sunday, 27 October 2013


COUNTRY: Slovenia
Organization: Cirius Kamnik 

The biggest surprise for us... was that volunteers spent so much of their free time to join u sin all activities and to care of us. 

In our country... children with disabilities have better opportunities than in other countries (are treated better)
It was great to see... Pető Institute, Invisible Exhibition, wheelchair dance group and Hotel Panda. Very interesting was also special music band „Parafonia” and to meet blind ex volunteer Nemes Gábor. 

In this project so far, we learnt... we experience how is to be blind, how can support dogs help people with different disabilities and that life can also be beautiful and if you are disabled. 

Disabilities today mean that... where there is the will, there is the power.


COUNTRY: Slovenia

Organization: Slovenian Psychology Students Association, Slovenia 

The biggest surprise for us... was the invisible exhibition, because we experienced different ways of „seeing”.

In our country... we also have similar programs, but here in Hungary we’ve gotten to know some good programs for disabled people.

It was great to see... all the good practices of working with disabled people, beautiful buildings, in Budapest and experience the Hungarian nightlife.

In this project so far, we learnt... that people with disabilities can be interested into society and be it’s productive members – wc have to give that … the opportunity and find their …

„Disabilities” today mean that... you shouldn’t stigmatize a person by his disability it’s important to change the perception of what a disability actually is and that perception of what a disability actually is and that perception is changed the disability becomes just … we are different same as … etc. Without any prejudice.


Country: CROATIA (Veronika, Sasa, Goran)
Organization: Udruga za Audio Vizualna Istrazivanja

"Our biggest surprise was... the determination of the project to really teach us how is it to live with disabilities, to show us the other side. It is good to know there is still people who care in this fast and considerable world. On the other hand there was no surprise from Budapest - this city is everything we could imagine.

In our country... there is over 500.000 disabled people and not nearly enough associations or projects to wake people up.

It was great to see... te world's one of the best helping insitutions like Pető or Parafonia Orchestra and all the way to REX Dog Shelter!

In this project we learned... how little we knew! We learnt not to judge a book by its cover because anyone is able for great deeds!

Disability today means that... handicapped people phisically or mentally are facing prejudice as well the obstacles in their everyday life."


Country: POLAND (Kasia, Maria, Mihal)
Organization: National Society for Autism Krakow Branch

"The biggest surprise for us was... the way the project was organised. We had lots of activities by day and also lots of spare time in the evenings.

In our country... there will be always a place for you, folks!

It was great to see... the range of activities the disabled people take part in! It was also great to visit Budapest. Most of time we spent together with people from other countries.

In this project we learned that being disabled does not mean being unhappy!

Disabilities today mean that... it is also a challenge for us. Disabilities due to disabled people's effort are no longer mystery. Now we have to learn what will be our contribution."


Country: ROMANIA (Elena, Claudia, Razvan)
Organization: Minte Forte

"The biggest surprise for us was... on one side, the city Budapest is surprisingly beautiful and the group was great! On the other hand, Pető Institute amazed us. It is great to see such a place in the world.

In our country... for as far as we know, things are different: disabled people don't get so much attention at the institutional or even private level. It's great that here they are often a productive part of the community.

It was great to see... Budapest, because it's a wonderful city. Also we were impressed by the examples of good practice (Parafonia, Pető Institute, Rolling Dance Group, Hotel Panda). On the other hand, it was really fun noticing all the cultural differences between us but it was surprising to find out how much we were actually alike. It was awsome that we made friends very fast and we hope to be keep in contact.

In this project we learned that... people with disabilities CAN DO more than what they CAN'T DO: they find new, creative and interesting ways to adapt and we should do our best to facilitate and help them. Help doesn't mean pity and downward comparison. It means accepting the others with kindness and empathy.

Disabilities today mean that... we have to think of new and creative ways to integrate people in the community. They can be productive (e.g. Hotel Panda), talented artists that enterain us (Parafónia, Rolling Dance Group) and all in all, human with needs just like every one of us.
Also, we had the impression that as "normal functioning humans" may consider people much more envious of our abilities than they actually are. Perhaps they don't really envy us they simply deal with their condition in an adaptive way (e.g. Gábor Nemse) and build sort of an "alternative" life and social world. It doesn't mean their world misses something (like sight, hearing, motion) it's just different.

And we have to accept differences as part of human variation, celebrate them and not form prejudices against them.


COUNTRY: Czech Republic (Martina, Lenka, Roman)

Organization: Open Mind Generation

"The biggest surprise for us was... Pető Institute = high professionaéity and enthusiasm. Rolling Dance Group = they are full of energy and enjoy dance.

In our a big problem with barriers for people in wheelchairs. In our country we will try to do make better situation for disabled peopl and share our experience.

It was great to see... Pető Institute, Rolling Dance Group, Rex Dog Shelter, sightseeing in Budapest, Invisible Exhibition.

In this project we learned... that in Hungary are lots of institutions and opportunities for disabled people so they can live better and more variable life.

Disabilities today mean that... being strong, brave and accept yourself as you are without feeling any insufficiency."


COUNTRY: Hungary
rganization: Aranyalma Lélekmentor Egyesület

"The biggest surprise for us was... that all participants were very interested in all topics during the whole program. It was also great to experience that it is possible to make contacts to each other so easily!

In our country... there are still too many prejudices but also several good practices that are worth to develop and share.

It was great to see... disabled people living a happy life and giving energy to everybody.

In this project we learned... the followings: how to orientate yourslef as a blind person, how to use a wheelchair, how support dogs are trained, how mentally disabled people learn to play music and how disabled can live a hapy life and find harmony after all.

Disabilities today mean that... in a way you are more dependant of your social and general environment but with some extra care and support you can be just like anyone else in society: you have the opportunity for a happy life inside you, you only need to find your own way."

Friday, 25 October 2013


The week so far was full of experiences: emotional, professional, physical. Our participants needed some free time to reload :) So in the morning they had free time. In the afternoon we visited Rolling Dance Group (Gördülő Tánccsoport) and joined a great training session. It was fantastic to see Rita and her group to be so positive, active and full of fun!

Wednesday, 23 October 2013


As we already got several experiences during the project so far we decided to have some mid-time evaluation today. Thanks to Mathias Corvinus Collegium we worked in a nice and calm surrounding. Participants presented their theathre scenes in different styles about their experiences: they used action movie, news, silent movie and fairy tale style to show how they feel about the places we visited. We also watched a movie shot by Északi Támpont Egyesület where our participants got to know Dörnyei Tamás. See the movie here:

In the afternoon they had a great sightseeing tour in Budapest! They have been on Gellért-hill, by the Parliament, by School of Blind and on the Castle. Right now - however they are a bit exhausted - they are up to a great party ;)



Tuesday, 22 October 2013


Another exciting day has passed. In the morning we visited Pető Institute ( where participants visited 5 different groups: international adult group, early development group, kindergarten, inclusive kindergarten and sclerosis multiplex adult therapy group. We learnt a lot about the importance of early development.

In the afternoon we participaed in a presentation in REX Dog Shelter. We learnt how support dogs are selected, trained and finding their disabled owners aftwerwards.

Monday, 21 October 2013


We passed another exciting day of the project. After some more team building games participants listened to each other's presentations about the topic "Being disabled in my country". We can say that our young participants are very aware of this topic and they are up to change the world with thinking globally but acting locally!
In the afternoon we visited the Invisible Exhibition that was an unforgettable professional and emotional experience for everyone. Last but not least we all met Gábor Nemes, an ex-EVS volunteer who spent 6 months in Spain - and is blind by the way :) We had a great conversation - thank you Gábor!






COMMON SENSE on the move!

After several months of preparation our project "Common Sense - Feel the world!" has started on the 20th of October. Our participants arrived from Croatia, Poland, Romania, Slovenia and Czech Republic.
On the first project day we got to know each other thanks to team building games and name games. All participating organizations introduced themselves and gave us a deeper insight into their work. We gladly see that the group is highly motivated and full of fun :)
Follow our adventures here on the project blog!